September 23, 2023

Question of the Week: How Long Does My Body Need to Recover After a Game?

Blayze Newsletter


Question of the Week: How Long Does My Body Need to Recover After a Game? Image

Welcome back Blayze soccer fans! This week we are going to discuss an important topic that often gets overlooked. With busy weekday schedules filled with soccer training and weekends packed with 1-3 games, do you know🤷‍♀️ if your body is taking the time it needs to recover properly?

Soccer is a high-intensity sport that involves short bursts of sprinting, quick changes in direction, tackles, jumps, and more. All of this takes a toll on your body. Ensuring you have proper recovery time after performing is vital to prevent injuries and maintain peak performance.💪

But how long does it truly take to recover? Blayze soccer coach Sarah Woldmoe breaks it down for us. Remember, recovery times vary based on your age, the game intensity, your individual physiology, and any injuries 🤕you may have sustained. This is a general guideline assuming you have not injured yourself.

Immediate Post-Game: 0-2 Hours

The first two hours post-game are crucial. Start with a 10–15-minute cool down. This can include light jogging and stretching. 🧘A light cool down helps gradually lower your heart rate, flushes out toxins, and reduces muscle soreness.

Rehydrate! Loss of fluids🥤 during the game can lead to dehydration. It is essential to replenish your fluids immediately. Water is best, but electrolyte drinks are beneficial too, especially if you are in a hot/humid climate while playing.

Short-Term Recovery: 12-48 Hours

A good night’s sleep😴 is important for muscle repair. Your body releases growth hormones during deep sleep, which aids in muscle recovery and regeneration.

Protein aids in muscle recovery as well. While carbs restore glycogen levels. Consuming a balanced meal 🥩🍐with protein, carbs, and healthy fats within 2 hours of your game can accelerate recovery.

Many athletes also swear by ice 🥶baths to reduce muscle inflammation. So jump in the bathtub, fill it with ice, and soak for a good 15 minutes to help reduce inflammation throughout your body.

Medium-Term Recovery: 48-72 Hours

Gentle exercises like light jogging, swimming🏊, or cycling can boost your circulation and help with muscle repair without straining your body.

If you can get one, a professional massage can help relieve tight muscles and stimulate circulation. If you have specific aches or injuries, seeing a physiotherapist can help.

Yoga 🧘‍♀️or other gentle stretching can help improve your flexibility, alleviate tight muscles, and help in overall body recovery.

Long-Term Recovery: 3-5 Days

For amateur soccer ⚽players or those who play in very intense matches, it can take up to 5 days to fully recover! Most likely, by now you have started team training again.

Remember, it is okay to take a day off and let your body rest, especially if you feel any tweaks or pain.

Recovery isn’t only about physical recovery; it includes mental🧠 recovery as well. Reflect on your performance, meditate, and start preparing for your next game.
While the general guideline for full recovery after a soccer game is 48-72 hours, you need to listen to your body. Every player’s recovery time is based on multiple factors. Prioritizing your recovery as much as your training ensures longevity in the sport, reduced injury risk, and optimal performance.💪

Do you have a question that you want answered?  Reply to this email with your question and you might see it answered in our next newsletter!


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