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Common Questions
Are you able to help me with preparing before and between races
Pre-race preparation is easier for me to do. For quick turnarounds like between races please let me know in advance and I can usually make it work.
What experience level drivers do you coach?
All skill and experience levels are welcome.
Can you coach me if I drive at tracks you may not know?
Absolutely! My only request is that you tell me what track you are at in the description even on same-day sessions. It's very helpful to have a map at least so if not the name uploading a track map photo is great too.
Can you help me improve racecraft and laptimes?
I can definitely help with racecraft and lap times!
Are you able to look at my data as well as my video?
I can look at the data and video. For data please tell me what software/program it is so I can open it.