In addition to thinking about where you want to apex we also need to think about the angle our kart has as we hit the apex. We have a few tools in our arsenal that will effect how sharp our angle is at the apex:
- Speed
- Turn in rate (how quick your hands are turning into the corner)
- Turn in point
- Trail braking
When you're thinking through what your kart angle should be at corner apex we really want to work the corner backwards (bored of hearing that yet??). Where I want to get out to the corner exit will change not only where I apex but also the angle of the kart at the apex.
If I want to have a sharper angle at the apex here are the things I think about trying:
- Increase my turn in rate (faster hands turning into the corner)
- More brake pressure while trail braking
- Increasing how far into the corner I will trail brake
- Turn in later
- Reduce speed
Often times I will combine some of these points together. For example, it's common to turn in later and turn in faster to get a sharper angle across the apex.
If I want less sharp of an angle across the apex I think about executing on some of the following points:
- Slow down my turn in rate
- Reduce the length of my trail brake or reduce brake pressure while trail braking
- Increase speed
Getting the right kart angle across the apex is almost as important as where you actually apex in the corner. Take a look at your video and see if you can see a difference in your angles at apex compared to one of our approved onboard videos on the same track!