August 8, 2024

Finding Your Motivation: The Key to Progressing in Soccer

Sierra Enge


Finding Your Motivation: The Key to Progressing in Soccer Image

As a private soccer coach, I often see players who feel stuck in their development, unsure how to move forward. The key to overcoming this hurdle is finding small, manageable tasks that you can accomplish today—something you’re willing to do right now to improve your game.

What Is Motivation?

I often talk about motivation with my players in our private soccer lessons —it's that inner drive that pushes you to pick up your soccer ball and go out and practice in order to improve. But what exactly is motivation? At its core, motivation is the desire to achieve a goal. It's the spark that fuels your commitment to learning new skills, mastering techniques, and pushing through challenges. For soccer players, motivation often comes from the love of the game and the satisfaction of progress, no matter how small.

But motivation isn’t always a constant. It can ebb and flow, which is why it's important to nurture it. Whether it’s setting small, achievable goals or simply enjoying the process of playing, finding what excites and inspires you is key. Remember, motivation is personal—what drives you might be different from others, but it’s the fuel that keeps your soccer journey alive.

Start Small, Aim Low

One of the most effective strategies to stay motivated is to start with the smallest, most achievable task. Let’s say you’re working on your dribbling skills. Instead of trying to master an entire drill or complex move, break it down. Focus on just the first part—maybe it’s controlling the ball with the inside of your foot or practicing quick direction changes. Your goal isn’t to perfect the whole drill but to make progress on that tiny aspect.

For example, if you're struggling with controlling the ball under pressure, dedicate today to just getting comfortable with short, quick touches. Forget about the rest of the drill for now. Once you’ve got that down, you’ll have built a small win, which fuels your motivation to keep going.

Lower the Bar If Necessary

What if even that feels too challenging? It’s okay! Some things take longer to learn. You can always lower the bar. Ask yourself: “Can I put on my cleats and juggle the ball for five minutes?” Sometimes, just engaging with the ball and the field, even briefly, is enough to reignite your passion. You don’t have to perform complex moves—just do something simple like passing the ball against a wall or practicing your footwork. The important thing is that you’re engaging with the sport, which is a step in the right direction.

For instance, one of my players felt overwhelmed by a new tactic we were working on. Instead of pushing through frustration, I suggested he simply practice passing the ball in a straight line for a few minutes. That small action helped him reconnect with the game, and soon he was back on track with the more advanced drills.

Keep Moving Forward

The essence of motivation lies in these small victories. Every time you achieve a minor goal, no matter how insignificant it may seem, you build momentum. This momentum is what keeps you coming back to the field day after day.

Remember, it’s not about mastering a complex move or dominating the game in one sitting. It’s about finding that one thing you can accomplish today, no matter how small. Over time, these little steps add up, and before you know it, you’ve made significant progress.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated, ask yourself: “What’s the smallest thing I’m willing to try today?” Whether it’s improving a single touch, juggling for five minutes, or just putting on your cleats and stepping onto the field, that’s where you start. Keep pushing, keep practicing, and most importantly, keep it fun. The journey is just as important as the destination, and every step forward is a step worth celebrating.

Professional Soccer Players Who Struggled with Motivation

Even the most successful soccer players have faced periods of low motivation in their careers. For instance, Lionel Messi, widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time, admitted to feeling unmotivated during the early years of his career at Barcelona. At one point, Messi considered leaving the club due to homesickness and the pressures of living up to high expectations. However, with support from his family and coaches, he rediscovered his passion for the game.

Another example is Cristiano Ronaldo, who faced motivation challenges after winning multiple titles. Despite his incredible achievements, Ronaldo has spoken about the mental toll of constantly being in the spotlight and the pressure to maintain his performance. He managed to overcome this by setting new personal goals and focusing on continuous improvement.

These stories remind us that even the best players experience struggles with motivation. What makes them extraordinary is their ability to push through these periods, reignite their passion, and continue striving for greatness. Their resilience serves as an inspiration for all athletes facing similar challenges.

Learn More With Blayze!

Mastering any skill takes practice, and Blayze is here to help you every step of the way. We offer personalized coaching sessions from the very best coaches in the world, making your journey to excellence both effective and convenient.

Blayze professional coaches understand the hard work and dedication required to achieve dreams. They help athletes identify areas for improvement and develop realistic plans to accomplish their goals. Our athletes learn more than just skill development; they gain life lessons in perseverance, overcoming hurdles, and managing success responsibly.

Our coaches are current professional athletes who know what it takes to be the best because they are the best. This firsthand experience ensures that you receive top-tier guidance tailored to your needs.

For a truly unique and personalized feedback experience, submit your performance video to one of Blayze’s highly qualified coaches. The custom-developed coaching session provides the help you need to improve your on-field skills and the convenience of accessing top-notch coaching from anywhere.

With just one easy click, you can explore more details about our coaching sessions and start your journey to performing at your very best in every game. Blayze is here to help you succeed with convenience and expertise. Start today!

Blayze | Sierra Enge

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About the coach

Sierra Enge

2022 Pac-12 Scholar Athlete of the year at Stanford , 2023 NWSL Shield Champion


I am a professional soccer player for the San Diego Wave. I started coaching when I was 18. I do both individual sessions and team sessions and am passionate about helping people achieve their goals. My coaching style is detail oriented and dynamic. I focus on building the basics technically and build into game realistic situations and decision making on the ball. I specialize in coaching defenders and midfielders but have experience working with all positions.

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