June 27, 2024

Tips for Clearing the Ball Out of Danger in Soccer

Sierra Enge


Tips for Clearing the Ball Out of Danger in Soccer Image

Today, we're diving into one of the most crucial aspects of the game: clearing the ball out of danger. As a soccer coach specializing in one-on-one training, it's essential to equip your athletes with the skills and techniques to handle high-pressure situations effectively. So, let's explore some practical tips and look at professional soccer players who exemplify these skills.

Understanding the Importance of Clearing the Ball

Before we dive into the tips, let's understand why clearing the ball is so vital in soccer. A successful clearance can prevent scoring opportunities for the opposing team, relieve defensive pressure, and allow your team to reset and reorganize. Effective clearances can be the difference between a win and a loss, making it a crucial skill for any soccer player.

Tip 1: Stay Calm Under Pressure

One of the most important attributes of a successful soccer player is the ability to remain calm under pressure. When the opposition is pressing hard, panic can lead to mistakes. Encourage your players to take a deep breath, assess their options, and make a calculated decision.

Example to Watch: Virgil van Dijk

Liverpool's Virgil van Dijk is a master at staying composed under pressure. Watch his games to see how he maintains his calm and effectively clears the ball even in the most intense situations. His ability to read the game and make precise clearances is something every soccer coach should point out to their players.

Tip 2: Use Both Feet

Being able to clear the ball with both feet is an invaluable skill. This versatility allows a soccer player to clear the ball no matter which direction the pressure is coming from. Encourage your players to practice using their weaker foot during training sessions.

Example to Watch: Sergio Ramos

Real Madrid legend Sergio Ramos is known for his ability to use both feet effectively. His dual-footed clearances are not only powerful but also accurate. By observing his technique, players can learn how to improve their weaker foot and become more well-rounded defenders.

Tip 3: Positioning and Awareness

Good positioning and awareness can make clearing the ball much easier. Teach your players to always be aware of their surroundings and position themselves strategically to anticipate where the ball might go. This proactive approach can save valuable seconds and make clearances more effective.

Example to Watch: Giorgio Chiellini

Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini is a prime example of excellent positioning and awareness. He consistently places himself in the right spots to intercept passes and clear the ball safely. His defensive intelligence is something every aspiring soccer player should strive to emulate.

Tip 4: Master the Basics

While fancy techniques can be impressive, mastering the basics is crucial. Teach your players the fundamental techniques of clearing the ball, such as the proper body positioning, the correct part of the foot to use, and the importance of follow-through. Drilling these basics during private soccer coaching sessions will build a strong foundation.

Example to Watch: John Terry

Former Chelsea captain John Terry was known for his no-nonsense defending and mastery of the basics. His clearances were always effective, thanks to his solid technique. Watching Terry's defensive highlights can provide players with a clear understanding of how to execute basic clearances perfectly.

Tip 5: Communicate with Teammates

Effective communication is key in soccer, especially in defense. Encourage your players to communicate with their teammates to ensure everyone is on the same page. A simple shout can alert a teammate to an incoming attacker or signal a need for support, leading to more coordinated and successful clearances.

Example to Watch: Leonardo Bonucci

Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci is renowned for his leadership and communication skills. His vocal presence on the field helps organize the defense and coordinate clearances effectively. Young players can learn a lot from Bonucci's ability to direct his teammates and maintain defensive solidity.

Tip 6: Practice Under Game-Like Conditions

To prepare your players for real-match scenarios, simulate game-like conditions during training. This includes high-pressure situations, fast-paced play, and unexpected challenges. The more accustomed your players are to these conditions, the more confident they will be when it comes to clearing the ball during actual games.

Example to Watch: Kalidou Koulibaly

Napoli's Kalidou Koulibaly excels in high-pressure situations. His ability to remain composed and clear the ball effectively during intense moments is a testament to his rigorous training and preparation. Watching Koulibaly can inspire players to practice under similar conditions and elevate their game.

Tip 7: Develop Strong Decision-Making Skills

Clearing the ball isn't just about kicking it away; it's about making smart decisions. Should the player aim for a teammate, a specific area of the field, or simply get the ball as far away as possible? Teach your players to evaluate their options quickly and choose the best course of action.

Example to Watch: Gerard Piqué

Barcelona's Gerard Piqué is known for his exceptional decision-making skills. His ability to choose the right clearance option under pressure is a critical aspect of his game. By studying Piqué, players can learn how to make smarter decisions and improve their overall defensive play.


Incorporating specific drills into your private soccer coaching sessions can greatly enhance your players' ability to clear the ball effectively. Here are some drills that focus on different aspects of clearing the ball out of danger.

Drill 1: Weak Foot Clearing


Improve the ability to clear the ball with the weaker foot.


  • Place a row of cones about 20 yards from the goal.
  • Have a line of soccer balls set up behind the cones.


  1. The player stands behind the line of balls.
  2. On the coach's signal, the player uses their weaker foot to clear the ball over the cones.
  3. Focus on proper technique: body positioning, foot placement, and follow-through.
  4. Repeat the drill with each ball, aiming for height and distance.


  • Add pressure by having a teammate act as an approaching attacker.
  • Increase the distance to the cones as the player improves.

Drill 2: Pressure Clearances


Enhance composure and decision-making under pressure.


  • Create a small field area (20x20 yards) with mini-goals on opposite sides.
  • Divide players into two teams.


  1. The coach starts by serving the ball into the play area.
  2. Players must clear the ball from their defensive half to the attacking half.
  3. Encourage quick decision-making and effective communication.
  4. Play continuous rounds, switching roles between attack and defense.


  • Limit the time allowed for clearances to simulate game pressure.
  • Introduce a scoring system for successful clearances.

Drill 3: Positional Awareness


Develop awareness and positioning for effective clearances.


  • Set up a full-sized goal with a penalty area.
  • Place cones around the penalty area to create zones.


  1. The coach serves the ball into different zones within the penalty area.
  2. Players must quickly move to the ball, position themselves correctly, and clear it.
  3. Emphasize scanning the field, anticipating the ball's path, and communicating with teammates.
  4. Rotate players through different positions to build overall awareness.


  • Increase the speed and intensity of ball serves.
  • Introduce attackers to apply pressure.

Drill 4: Long Ball Clearance


Improve the distance and accuracy of clearances.


  • Set up a large field with target zones marked at different distances (30, 40, 50 yards).
  • Have a supply of soccer balls at one end of the field.


  1. Players stand behind the balls and aim to clear them into the target zones.
  2. Focus on generating power and accuracy.
  3. Gradually increase the distance to challenge the players' leg strength and technique.


  • Introduce different angles and heights for the clearances.
  • Add defenders to simulate game-like conditions.

Practice Makes Perfect

Clearing the ball out of danger is a fundamental skill that every soccer player must master. As a soccer coach, your role is to provide the guidance, training, and support needed to develop these skills. By staying calm under pressure, using both feet, positioning wisely, mastering the basics, communicating effectively, practicing under game-like conditions, and making smart decisions, your players can become more confident and capable defenders.

Remember, even the best players in the world started with the basics and honed their skills through dedicated practice. Encourage your athletes to watch professional players, learn from their techniques, and apply these lessons during their training sessions. With consistent effort and private soccer coaching, they'll be clearing the ball out of danger like pros in no time!

Learn More With Blayze!

The secret to mastering any skill is practice! Could you use direct feedback from a professional coach on how to increase your soccer defending skills and dominate on the field? At Blayze we give you a personalized coaching session from the very best coaches in the world.

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Blayze coaches are current professional athletes. They know what the best in the world do because they are the best in the world.

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About the coach

Sierra Enge

2022 Pac-12 Scholar Athlete of the year at Stanford , 2023 NWSL Shield Champion


I am a professional soccer player for the San Diego Wave. I started coaching when I was 18. I do both individual sessions and team sessions and am passionate about helping people achieve their goals. My coaching style is detail oriented and dynamic. I focus on building the basics technically and build into game realistic situations and decision making on the ball. I specialize in coaching defenders and midfielders but have experience working with all positions.

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