Glen Ward

Golf coach

Blayze Coach Glen Ward
Blayze Coach Glen Ward
Blayze Coach Glen Ward


  • Based in Nassau, The Bahamas
  • 30 years coaching experience

About Glen

I turned professional at 20 years old after a junior career in elite programs, completed the rigorous PGA program, and became a fully qualified teaching professional. I’ve established and shaped several successful golf schools, focusing on fostering technical skills and a love for the game. My coaching philosophy emphasizes personal connection, creating a foundation for future success and transforming each student’s golfing experience into growth and enjoyment.

Improve your laptimes with Coach Glen

Start your 14-day trial today.


Sample coaching sessions

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What to expect
during your trial:

Blaze | Meet your dedicated coach and discuss your goals over a live, video intro call.
Blaze | Upload self-recorded videos for in-depth professional analysis from your coach.
Blaze | Get clear guidance and actionable tips for how to improve, based on your uploaded video.
Blaze | Practice with personalize training plans from your coach, based on your areas for improvement.
Blaze | Get support, accountability, and ask questions of your coach anytime, anywhere.

Meet your dedicated coach and discuss your goals over a live, video intro call.

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Common Questions

  • One day my swing is dialed in, the next I can hit the ball well at all. Can you help me?

    Absolutely, I understand how frustrating it can be when your swing seems to have a mind of its own. Golf can be unpredictable, but consistency is something we can work on together. Often, these fluctuations come down to subtle changes in your setup, alignment, or even your mental approach on any given day. We'll focus on building a strong, repeatable pre-shot routine and work on making your fundamentals—like grip, posture, and alignment—second nature. I also believe in helping you understand your swing better, so when things feel off, you can diagnose and adjust accordingly. With practice, you’ll develop a level of consistency that helps you feel more confident on the course, even on those tough days. Together, we’ll turn those good swing days into more of a reliable pattern, so you can enjoy the game without the frustration.

  • I don't hit the ball as far as I think I should, can you help me hit it further?

    Absolutely, I'd love to help you increase your distance! Hitting the ball further is often a combination of technique, physical conditioning, and understanding how to leverage your unique strengths. Together, we'll take a look at your swing mechanics, including your grip, posture, and alignment, as well as your clubhead speed and angle of attack. Often, small tweaks in technique can lead to big gains in distance. We'll also work on improving your body's mobility, strength, and flexibility—especially in key areas like your core and lower body—which can contribute significantly to adding power. The goal is to make sure your swing is not only powerful but also efficient and repeatable. By working together, we can unlock that extra yardage and help you start reaching those distances you’re aiming for.

  • I look on social media for golf tips and coaches are using language and explaining things in such a complicated manner. Would that the same with you?

    I totally understand how overwhelming all the technical jargon can be, especially when you just want to enjoy the game and make some improvements. I pride myself on keeping things simple and fun. My approach is always tailored to your level of understanding, whether you’re just starting out or you’re more advanced. I believe golf should be enjoyable, and learning should feel rewarding—not complicated. I avoid overcomplicating things just to show off what I know. Instead, I break down concepts in a way that makes sense to you, focusing on what will help your game the most. My goal is to help you understand the why behind each change we make, so you can feel confident in your improvement. Golf can be challenging enough, so let’s keep it clear, straightforward, and enjoyable!

  • My ball flight is always left to right (slice), am I stuck with that forever or can I learn to hit a draw?

    You're definitely not stuck with a slice forever! Learning to hit a draw is very possible, and I'd be happy to help you get there. A slice is often the result of an open clubface or an out-to-in swing path, which we can work on correcting together. First, we'll break down your grip, stance, and swing path to understand what's causing the slice. Then, we’ll focus on making the adjustments necessary to promote a more neutral or even slightly in-to-out path, which is essential for hitting a draw. We might also explore how to adjust your hand action and timing, to ensure the clubface closes naturally through impact. With practice, patience, and a few key drills, you’ll find it entirely possible to start shaping the ball from right to left. It’s all about understanding the fundamentals of your swing and making the right changes step by step—soon enough, you’ll be able to control your ball flight and hit that beautiful draw when you want to.

  • If I could be a better putter my scores would drastically come down, where would I start?

    Improving your putting is one of the best ways to lower your scores, and I'd love to help you get started on that journey. Putting is often about building confidence and developing a solid routine that you can trust, even under pressure. First, we'll take a close look at your current putting stroke, grip, and setup to ensure everything is aligned for consistency. From there, we'll work on distance control—often referred to as “lag putting”—so you can minimize three-putts. Developing a good feel for speed is crucial to becoming a better putter, and that often means practice drills to help you learn how to judge distances more accurately. Next, we’ll focus on reading greens effectively, understanding break, and choosing the right line. I'll teach you some simple routines and techniques for reading greens that will make it easier to determine the correct path for your putts. Putting is as much mental as it is mechanical, so we’ll also work on building your confidence to make those short, pressure-packed putts. With a bit of dedication and the right approach, you’ll see those scores drop as your putting improves!